Phifer & Company

PR Recruiters for Public Relations, Marketing & Digital Communications

The Value of Career Longevity

May 5, 2015

Has longevity vanished along chivalry and Twinkies? It’s becoming apparent that longevity is the key in any career. Not only does it display dedication and commitment, but most importantly loyalty. Best advice: invest heart-heavily in your current role.

Before acquiring a new position, try not to only think about the compensation, (even though bills, vacations, and status is very important and consumes most of our thoughts). You should also consider if you would truthfully enjoy being in your office space; not for three months, not for six, but for a few years (the more the better). Who needs more stress? Who wants to spend more time applying for a new position day-in and day-out? Factoring in your passions, desire, and comfort will help you balance life.

Imagine careers like relationships. The more you invest in a rightful position the more it will benefit you moving forward. I am no love-guru but think about it this way, who wants a relationship that won’t help you evolve? Of course, there are some that compromise; but the wise would normally think about the future, think about what they can personally absorb from a serious relationship, and then apply the same to their careers.

Nonetheless, it is obvious when you dedicate time to a relationship, you discover your partner’s interests and develop trust, (maybe even get on one knee). You guessed it! The same applies to your career; with longevity you gain a broader insight about the field you work in, your resume would display perseverance, CEO’s and Recruiters would pursue your talent, in addition your compensation will generously increase. Remember that exposure leads to knowledge, and experience leads to your dream career.

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